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Our Case Studies

14Years’ of Excellence

We’ve been triumphing all these 14 years. Sacrifices are made up with success.

The client’s business is all about delivering data reliably to their customers. Their company leverages massive amounts of data to gain insight that drives better business decisions, as well as deeper understanding on how their customers think, feel, and act.

Our client was having trouble locating skilled Big Data /Analytics Resources and needed a strategic partner to help the initiative to increase sales and customer satisfaction through individual targeted ads and messaging. Their company maintains a network that carries more than 1 million gigabytes of data every day and more than 1 billion gigabytes in storage, and their network had grown exponentially over the previous six years. As data demand continued to increase, they realized that they needed to implement a technology foundation that would aggregate their isolated data, support data modeling, and make analyzing complex data easier for employees – not just data scientists. A Big Data solution would address fundamental data management challenges, as well as improve the customer experience, reduce costs, and become more efficient. The project would require the procurement of hardware and a complete changeover of project management methodology, along with training on the new technology.

Hadoop Cluster and Analytics solutions was implemented for the client. This is a type of computational cluster designed for storing and analyzing huge amounts of data in a distributed computing environment.

This implementation of their Big Data infrastructure Hadoop cluster and Analytics solutions resulted in increased sales and increase customer satisfaction due to the TDATA (Targeted Data) to target ads and messages to individuals. This enabled the client company to make more effective strategic business decisions. With the implementation of a Big Data solution and continuous improvement processes, the client was able to cut costs and innovate faster to improve the customer experience on a daily basis.

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